Whether it was doodling in my history textbooks, or practicing my lines in the school bathroom, my love for the arts has impacted every aspect of my life since I was a child. I always loved math and science but refused to compromise with my passion in university, so I decided engineering and design were perfect. I have endeavored to mix them together to create projects in both physical and digital spaces. One of my greatest passions in life has always been visual art- I've spent years cultivating a portfolio in fine art, and think studying past design is vital in terms of communicating with the masses in a quick and easily understood manner. My experience with digital art has led me in the direction of graphic design and pushed me toward virtual circles where people have used computer science and robotics as a tool to create art.
I started in university as a mechanical engineering major but found myself bored with the curriculum, and felt I wouldn't enjoy spending 4 years studying something I wasn't passionate about. I eventually transferred to my current program, Creative Technology and Design, as it mixed the engineering that I was interested in with the design that I was passionate about. I have always loved drawing and design, and have grown to love it more and more as I have explored programs in the adobe suite and in 3d modelling. I hope to, when I graduate, work in modeling and technology engineering, and would love any opportunity to expand my abilities in order to do so.