I created this sculpture for another class to explore my relationship with my heritage and demonstrate my desperate love for my familial culture. The shape is based on a danish Christmas paper craft, explored through stained 2x4 hardwood. For my projection, I wanted the performative elements of the installation to reflect the viewer the space around them, to represent how culture reflects back at us. The sound wave projected onto the pale parts of the sculpture reflects the ambient noise of the studio and the conversation of the viewers around it, while the red clouds projected onto the dark sections show the fogginess of my relationship with my culture, and how living between two countries my whole life creates a rift with both.
I was glad to explore color with these projections since I muted the traditional white/red pairing to beige/brown for my sculpture. Each presentation of this piece talks about my love for my heritage, and it was really artistically engaging to explore different installations to create the same message. The way the projector lights up the sculpture with a kind of halo was beautiful, and it felt like the spirit of the sculpture was seeping out into the walls around it. Overall, this piece was a small instillation, but one I am vehemently proud of, and feel explored my messaging and themes well. I wish I had time to make a second piece because I feel like this could be a really cool wall-sized exhibit as well.