I wanted to create ruins in a fantasy space with my two dragon animations flying above and the user to be surrounded by ruins and cobblestones. I used Greek ruins and Skyrim as inspiration in an effort to force the user to recognize the space as a temple. I wanted to create a story through architecture and engage the viewer to think about what might have happened before they appeared, and what it might mean for the story of the world around them. I explored dragons in my last project because I liked the fantasy iconography, and want to use fantasy buildings to emphasize their role in this world. I want to really focus on making the dragons feel like elements of the scene, rather than shrinking them down to be characters, so I featured them soaring high above the user across the sky. I also chose to set this scene in the forest to make it feel like the user stumbled across the scene by accident. I also chose to add the floating polygons, with one slightly greyed out and on the ground, to add to the story, and show off what the builders of this area might have been previously praying to. I struggled with the gif skins on these objects, so I had to negotiate around what they'd look like so they all felt like they came from the same place. I am overall really happy with this scene and feel like the viewer can create a story based on what they find here.
This world displays GIF skins, sounds, animations, personally made models, and image skins, as we learned in our class pop quizzes. Since this is the world I built upon, the pop quiz elements of this unit are all displayed here.